Eternity’s Blade
With echoes of Mistborn and She Who Became the Sun, Eternitys Blade is an action-packed fantasy debut chronicling an assassins rise to power in a world of immortals.
In the secluded paradise of the Valley, life is eternal. Guarded by unbreachable mists and ruled by a reclusive Emperor, this floating world of salt and lilies brims with beauty, ritual, and endless rebirth.
And then prince Sohshoro discovers his power to kill.
Stolen from the courts, trained in martial and magical arts by enigmatic warrior monks, Sohshoro is reborn as an assassin, ready to defend against the mythical Outside. But echoes of his lost mother and the ethereal allure of a doomed princess lead him on a path to discover the Valleys dark secrets
Now, as war dawns, Sohshoro must decide: Is paradise worth protecting? Or must Eternity itself be ended once and for all?